
Caglewood is a non-profit 501C3 that is run completely by volunteers. Our funding is provided completely by the families of our campers and subsidized by the generous donations of the community. Click Here to download a copy of our 501C3 determination letter for your records.

Goal Zero

Many of our campers have medical and other conditions that often cause personal budgetary constraints, Caglewood strives to keep camper tuitions to a minimum and offers campership programs to allow those without the means to participate for free. It is because of individual donors and corporate sponsors who so selflessly contribute to our cause that we are able to provide enriching experiences to members of the special needs community and respite care for their caregivers.

It is our ultimate goal to be able to provide our program free for everyone!

Spending Needs

At Camp Caglewood we spend 100% of our funds on facilitating the program. We do not spend money on fundraising and salaries of executives. This leaves us with the ability to invest totally in the the qualigty of our program. Here is a list showing where our funds go.

  • Gear - Camping, Hiking, and Safety.
  • Transportation - Rental Vans or Busses.
  • Fuel - Long trips in big vehicles!
  • Shelter - Could be campsite rental or cabins.
  • Food - Primarily groceries we prepare as a team.
  • Activities - From craft supplies to theme park tickets.


At Camp Caglewood we spend 100% of our funds on facilitating the program. We do not spend money on fundraising and salaries of executives. So unlike donations to other non-profits, your donations go directly to benefit and enrich the lives of our beloved campers and their families.

We have an annual operating budget under $25,000 so even small donations go a long way!


© 2025 - Caglewood Incorporated